How to Navigate the Blog and a Bit of a Contents List!

Here are a few tips for navigating the blog. The tag cloud on the right side of the page is our broad ‘contents’ section. If there’s something particular you’re interested in e.g. “Beginners Archery”, or “How to Improve your Shooting”, or… I don’t know, “What to Do in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse” (tip.. learn to shoot)… then click on the tag and it will bring up every article in that category. We’ve tried to keep it relatively clean on the tag front so that you can choose between the main themes of the blog.


You can get back to the ‘home’ page of the blog by clicking on the title ‘2020 Archery Blog’. If you want to go back to the main 2020 Archery website click on the logo on the top left of the page.


There is some ‘old gold’ hidden in the archives. Here are a few suggestions of blog posts you might have missed :



I hope you enjoy having a poke around! Remember flinging pointy sticks around is good for the soul. And a life saving skill in the event of zombie apocalypse. We mean it. Start practicing.


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