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Direct Debit Signups

The idea with the DD is that the admin should be easy for both sides, once you've signed up we switch our booking system so that it will either allocate one free session a week (you can shoot more often as any additional sessions can be bought via pay as you go) or unlimited "free" sessions each week.

Payment programmes are :

We do have a few terms and conditions though / things you should be aware of so please have a read though the following.

The main condition is that we ask that you give us 3 days notice as a minimum if you can't attend a session. We want to make sure that all of our club members have the opportunity to shoot when they want to. It's a disaster for the whole club if direct debit members sign up for a session every week and pick and choose when they come. We keep a record of "no-shows" or last minute cancellations. If you total more than 3 no-shows in 3 months we'll ask you to return to pay as you go (we find pay as you go to be much more successful at encouraging people to cancel with decent notice or offering the session to other club members via the forum)!

The direct debit is payment for 1 person only, you can't use the pre-paid sessions for anyone other than yourself.

We can't carry forward unused sessions or refund direct debit payments once they've been collected - everything needs to work 'forwards' so that you pay for the upcoming month's shooting as a direct debit at a cheaper rate than pay as you go. We can start this at any time.

When you click one of the links above you will go directly to a sign up page at Go Cardless. The payment will be taken within a few days of signing up (usually 3 to 4 days of signing up). We will start and stop (if you cancel) your pre-paid sessions from the anniversary of when you signed up.The system that we're using is called "Go Cardless" (Direct Debit provided by Royal Bank of Scotland).

Should you wish to cancel / amend a direct debit, you should do so through your bank / online banking. We can also do this for you in the office (or change your programme) if you lose your details (we need a week's notice to cancel Direct Debits). If you do cancel, we will switch off your next month of pre-paid shooting on the anniversary of your sign up date and change you back to pay as you go.