Opening Times
Club Hours:
- Monday 6.30 to 9pm Harris Academy, Southwark Park Rd
- Wednesday 6.30 to 9pm Harris Academy, Southwark Park Rd
- Sat 12 to 2pm Downside Centre
- Sat 2 to 4pm Downside Centre
- Sunday 1.30 til 4pm Downside Centre
Sessions cost £16.50 each and we offer once a week shooting for £40/month or unlimited shooting for £65/month via DD (although you will still need to book a target for each session you wish to attend).
We strongly recommend booking a target for each session, members can book in directly through the website. A unique password is generated for everyone when they join the club.
Once you are an active member you'll be able to see how many people are booked in for each session / check your booking by clicking on target bookings on the left side of this page.