Take this goddamn 35lb Buck Trail off my hands
So I have a 35lb flatbow I want rid of - you may recall from previous discussions that it's the one that hates me (seriously, it wants to shoot me rather than the other way around). It is way too powerful for me, but will be fine for most anyone a bit bigger. I have a new one now so I don't use the Buck Trail anymore.
I don't want any money for it because it was only cheap to begin with, and it has been used, and because I am moving house in a few weeks - I'd like to see it go to a good home rather than lug it to my new place, where it will only sit and glare at me. Was going to put it on Freecycle but then couldn't be arsed.
Let me know; it would mean you picking it up from West London, near-ish White City.
Let me know
Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
19th Oct 2014 20:35
20th Oct 2014 21:31
20th Oct 2014 21:32
20th Oct 2014 21:43