Cancellation Places for Shooting


Dear Michelle, I was a schoolteacher for many years and have NEVER come across this constant regime of exams! We had classrooms for this as well. I also helped at Harris with the tables – yes a bit too much! Shall we paint the walls while we are there?

It is especially bad as a lot of work went into new storage at Harris!

I am old and can’t deal with this constant changing!

Can we not find anywhere else?

I would comment on the Forum but that is a wasteland.

Thanks Michelle. I know you are frustrated also! Mike.

Mike S
13th May 2024 12:38
Hi Mike. I do share your frustration. Harris Academy is a good venue - there's just been a little run of things over the last few weeks that's tested our resolve and come in close proximity to each other. After this stint of exams, there shouldn't be any more until towards the end of the year. We should have advance notice of those as we are now using a new online booking system and can see when the sports hall is available (although I'm not promising that it's 100% correct). We have looked at alternative venues in the past but they are extremely expensive in the part of London that we'd like to continue to be and not all will store our equipment or will store it with a cost attached. Michelle
13th May 2024 14:26