Cancellation Places for Shooting

Flatbow - Stringing and destringing

Hi all! So, after talking for weeks about the SF Forged takedown recurve I have been planning on buying at Easter, I am now the proud owner of ... a Buck Trail flatbow.

(It is very pretty.)

Anyway ... it's a lot harder to string and destring than I'm used to. Is it best to use the tip-to-tip style stringer? It came with one of those, but it feels like a lot of strain is put on the limb tips, and I've read stories of tips being snapped off. Would a saddle stringer be better?

The stringer also tends to fly off the top limb with some force when I'm destringing, which certainly livens the process up. If anyone has any advice, I'd be grateful (before I show myself up at the club when I'm back).


Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
22nd Apr 2014 15:07

Welcome to the world of traditional archery :)

You definitely need to use a stringer as otherwise there is a risk of twisting and snapping the limbs. The amount of strain that you put in to stringing it is going to be less than when shooting it so don't worry about that. They are a bit tricky to get the knack of, top tip is to do it slowly in a nice smooth motion, and make sure the limb isn't pointed at your face in case it slips. Your bow may also be fitted with a stringing notch, an extra notch carved into the end, so it's worth giving that a go also.

If in doubt bring it along to one of the sessions and ask one of us to help! You won't show yourself up :)

24th Apr 2014 13:02
Thanks Dan; it's reassuring to know that I (probably) won't break it.There's no stringing notch that I can see; I will just keep practising. Doesn't help that the bow is long and I am rather short ;) Destringing was harder than stringing.

I will probably ask for some help when I'm there next, a week on Saturday. Very happy with the kit though.

Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
24th Apr 2014 15:03
Gah, still struggling.

Stupid question: could it just be that I am too short for this bow? I feel like I just can't reach the end of the bow when I'm stringing it. It's 68 inches.
Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
27th Apr 2014 17:18
Corinne, it's a common feeling that you're too short. I honestly thought the same with my first bow which was 30lb. The thing to do is to keep trying and build up your strength. I *think* (haven't seen you with it) that what happens is you don't get enough deflection of the bow to be able to grab the end easily. Unless you really are about 4'10 I don't think it's a height thing. I'm 5'6 (female) and used to shoot a stupidly long longbow which is set to about 36lb. I can string it fine if I'm strong.. if weak, ill.. out of practice then I'll struggle. It's all in getting enough deflection on the limbs. Have you seen Dan D? Do you know him? Dan is the trad bow expert in the club and used to be a 2020 instructor. If you haven't seen him about this drop an email to the office FAO Heidi and I'll try and connect you. Have faith! It's another one of those things that just takes time... :o) Heidi
27th Apr 2014 17:34
Oh wait, I did it.

I will develop some awesome arm muscles using this bugger.
Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
27th Apr 2014 17:44
I would recommend the step through method to string a Flatbow. I have two Falco flatbows and always string these via the step through method. It feels odd at first but once you get the hang of it it's the easiest way to string a flatbow in my opinion. A recurve stringer will often not get a good enough grip on the limb as there isn't much reflex in the limbs to for it to hook on. A double loop longbow stringer isn't much use as it would sit in the top nock when you're trying to fit the string there as flatbows don't have stringer grooves cut in the nocks like a longbow does. So give the step through method a go, trick is to get your hip into it so your arms aren't doing the work and you're then bending the bow from the handle not just teh limb tips.
27th Apr 2014 23:09
Hi, you might feel like you are drowning in advice as this point so i'll keep it quick.
while the step through method is very common for flat bow users Dan is entirely right that you can twist the limbs if you are unlucky or your bow is not as hardy as some. Also if you are short with a reasonably long bow it is very tricky to do and potentially dangerous if the bow slips.
Using a stringer is advisable for these three reasons. there are specific stringers for flat bows that will not slip along the limb (double tip stringers) one such is the "Neet American Flat Bow Stringer" available at merlin archery or Bow Stringer Pouch available at the longbow shop. this will let you safely and relatively easily string your flat bow. I hope that helps, Roger.
28th Apr 2014 14:02
Hey, thanks all! I don't feel like I'm drowning in advice - it's all hugely welcome.

Heidi, glad I'm not the only one who struggled with a long bow! I'm 5'2". I think I've been too nervous to deflect it as much as I should (read one too many stories on t'interweb about snapping the tips off if you use too much force when stringing. I guess I should stay off Other Archery Forums, no good will come of it ...)

Dan posted some really helpful advice earlier. I may know his face ... I will ask each traditional (bloke) shooter if he is Dan.

Is the step through method what Cuong calls "cowboy style"? I saw the Neet stringer online; I will buy one (to match the rather nice Neet string keeper I already have).

Thanks everyone, really appreciate you taking the time!

See you on Saturday.

Corrinne B (2020 Instructor)
29th Apr 2014 20:42

Am happy to help, I'm tall usually wearing glasses and invariably blowing the whistle unnecessarily loudly and will be there from 2 on Saturday. Roger [long plaited hair, glasses and beard] and Diccon [long ginger hair usually in a pony tail] both usually wear 2020 shirts and would be my first stop for any question relating to archery. But honestly I'm sure that anyone would happily help, whether they are traditional archers or not!
30th Apr 2014 13:09