County of London Archery Association Meeting - 27th Feb evening
Would any of our club members like to go along to the next CLAA meeting and represent yourselves and 2020 Archery? It's not a position of much power but it's nice to see what's happening in the County and to contribute. The meeting is next Thursday 27th February in the evening at London Bridge (Wetherspoons near our club).
The meeting will probably last for a couple of hours and will discuss the possibility of putting on some county competitions and maybe starting a postal league - both of which 2020 wholeheartedly supports. You should be a current member of Archery GB / GNAS or at least interested in joining (you can do this through our club). Drop an email into the office if you'd like further info or just get yourself along on the day.
From personal experience I found it extremely valuable as being involved in the County for many years really improved my shooting and coaching - Heidi
2020 Archery
20th Feb 2014 23:18
26th Feb 2014 16:42
27th Feb 2014 18:02