Cancellation Places for Shooting


I thought I'd start a competition thread. In the last few months a small group of 2020 members have started attending competitions. It's a great way to judge how your archery skills are coming along and it provides you with a very tangible focus for all the effort and time you put into those looong practice hours. You also get to see a lot more of the archery world and meet lots of archers from all over the planet.

Most competitions can be found on the Archery GB website ( but if you happen to hear of a good competition then perhaps you could drop a message here and let the rest of the club know about it. One thing I've definitely learnt is that it's always better when you can shoot at a comp with your fellow club members in tow than attending one on your own.

So let me start this rolling with the Essex County Archery Association Indoor competition on the 15th and 16th March (

2nd Mar 2014 6:44
A good source of tournament information is:

2nd Mar 2014 21:01
And this gives some useful info on equipment, rules and the like.
2nd Mar 2014 21:46
And I have to say as many people as possible should come along to the club's fun handicap shoot next weekend (Sunday 9th). This will give a taster into what its like to all score at the same time which is kind of a skill in itself. It's also one which you don't have to be an Archery GB affiliate for, if you're not sure about the whole Archery GB thing there's a blog post on it here :
3rd Mar 2014 4:47